6 Ways I Practice Positivity And Am Full Of Gratitude
I think I figured, it would be best if I focused on the good things and kept a journal of at least one good thing that has happened to me. With changing times we lack gratitude. We as NextGen human just dive down deep into our smartphones and seek solace from virtual friends. What is life if its not to be in pursuit of happiness?
It will take a bit of practice to keep up, but I reckon I can do this. A few easy, baby steps and by the end of the year I will have a lot to be grateful for.
First step, wake up thanking the universe, that I am alive and well and seek the best for the day with a smile. Only then, do I get out of bed. My alarm reads – “Wake up Beautiful, time to concur the world!! “. Now if this doesn’t pep me up then I don’t know what will <chuckle>
Secondly, have the most important meal of the day, at times due to the busy work schedule and late nights, it gets hard to keep up the momentum. However, I have decided my body is a temple and no more taking it for granted.
Thirdly, we all strive to look our very best, I have a ton of beautiful outfits and they have been just been buried in my closet waiting to be worn. So this year will be the most fashionable for me. I promise to wear something lovely daily. Dressing well has been known to increase productivity! So there, that is a good enough reason than any.
Fourthly, now being a blogger gives me access to the finer things in life, like wine and dine, at the best of the best there is out there that the city has to offer. So I need to ensure all that good food helps me be healthy, at the same time I need to focus and ensure I work out. Exercise either walk, or some form of exercise to burn all those calories! 🙂
Fifth, I have and will dedicate a good nights sleep. I need to feel rejuvenated the next day. To have these crazy late nights binge drinking won’t help me or my body. My mind needs to peace out.
For the last, smile. Smile as much as I can, look for only the good in others, try and get off the negative horse if I feel blue. We all have our up’s and down’s but what matter’s in the end is we try and shift our focus and energy on the good.
Follow your heart and what I stated above seems simple to follow, but with practice. I am on a mission here folks! Stay tuned for my positive quotes and posts on Instagram.
Until then, stay happy and smile. (blow yourself a kiss next time you look at the mirror)
‘Drink Responsibly’
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Deena Pinto
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